Sun Spots are not treated May through October.
Using electricity, this machine will zap your imperfections away instantly! In most cases, in just 1 treatment! What happens after each treatment? You may experience some mild irritation, redness and scabbing on the treated areas. While skin is healing, makeup can be applied to camouflage. You will need to avoid direct sunlight immedately after the treatment- but it’s smart to be sun-safe all the time! Otherwise, you can resume normal activities right away. Benefits: Removal of skin tags, milia, spider veins/broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia and more! For face and body! Book Now! Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Results are seen after one treatment often but some require more than one. Yes, you can get a facial same day. Facial is done first and then ThermoClear. This can be done on face and body. Sun spots take longer to heal, which is why I stop treating them in May (resume again in the fall). Everything else has a shorter healing time but you must still stay sun safe. You care for the treated area just like you would any wound. Don’t pick, wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun. No downtime. You can wear makeup. Check out social media (Facebook and Instagram) for lots of before and after pictures and videos. @pureskinOC |
ThermoClear in Action! |